// architect and filmmaker based in Milan

Born in Milan in 1989. 
Freelance Filmmaker and Architect graduated at Politecnico di Milano with a project of Adaptive Reuse and Social Reactivation of a Soviet Armenian Company Town.

For his studies and according to his passion he researches the relationship between interactive and multimedia visual communication, diversity and beauty through travels and social architecture, as user experience oriented approach to the design and analysis of social tools.

Specialized in adaptive reuse, interior and exhibitions design, video production and architectural visualization.

In 2024, he founded the creative studio "Why is desert desert?" along with Ayla Schiappacasse. 

This studio delves into cinematic narratives that intricately weave together architecture, design, the built environment, and the people who influence these domains. With a specialization in documenting the innovators behind remarkable structures, their work captures the essence of visionary creators. 

In 2012 he Founded “Sineterra” a no-profit organization.

He has made several overland charity travels, mainly to Europe, Africa and Asia, after which he has published two books: ”Tre uomini e una panda - Mongolia e altre storie” in 2012 and “Backwards – Insospettabili momenti africani” in 2018.
// Registered in "Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. - Milano", n.21735
// via Bruno Cesana 10, Milan 20132
// +39.334.8660.789
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